In the upcoming Building a Culture of Collaboration webinar, the co-bloggers invite you to connect with us for a lively discussion about sparking and sustaining collaboration with stakeholders in our schools and communities. So far this month, Judi proposed some self assessment questions about collaborating with students; last week Judy added questions about collaborating with administrators; and this week I will add some things to think about when developing relationships with teachers.
During my years in practice other school librarians used to often ask me “how do you get teachers to work with you so much?” I was always surprised by this question because to me it was just a natural part of my job as a school librarian – working with teachers. But it was also something that was hard to put into words when thinking of how to respond to this question.
We all know the importance of working with teachers and the research on the various roles of the school librarians repeatedly illustrates the importance of developing relationships with teachers, but I think it is the “how” part that is sometimes difficult.
So hopefully our discussion on May 19th can focus on the “how” of making that connection with teachers and the sharing of strategies to cultivate this all important relationship.
Some things to think about:
- Foundational Steps to Developing Relationships
- Proactive Strategies
- Publicize the Benefits of Collaboration
Bring your thoughts and strategies so that we can share and learn from one another on May 19th!